
Chef Ignatius Lau

Growing up in one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world gave Ignatius exposure to a diverse range of cuisines and cultures. He has worked in Italian Tuscan, French Provincal, Canadian Contemporary  kitchens in his home town of Toronto, Canada. His experience continued to broaden when he joined the kitchens of Laris  & Slice Deli after coming to Shanghai. Wishing to provide a more personalized dining experience for clients, Ignatius teamed up with his fellow Laris chef Anthony Zhao to open Moveable Feasts Catering.      

Chef Anthony Zhao

  Anthony初出道时在上海波特曼丽嘉酒店工作了七年,从经典西菜到东南亚特色料理都有涉及。随后他加入兴国宾馆,跟随德国行政主厨专攻欧洲料理。2003年,Anthony在上海外滩3号的Laris(陆唯轩)餐厅担任热厨房部门主管,该餐厅于2005年被《Conde Nast旅行家》杂志评为全世界最佳餐厅之一.此后曾担任高档西餐厅Hamilton House的开业筹备执行经理一职,该餐厅毗邻外滩,坐落于福州路一幢具有悠久历史的建筑中。

 Anthony更在由美国著名杂志《美食家》拍摄制作的饮食文化电视节目“Diary of a Foodie”中出镜,该节目曾在美国播出,目前正在全世界播出。

 2007年1月,Anthony受邀前往位于加利福尼亚州伯克利的先锋有机食物餐厅、米其林星级餐厅Chez Panisse,与美国一些最顶尖的厨师一同切磋烹饪技法。